Acne Treatments & Scar Reduction | New Age Laser Document

Attractive and scar-free skin by finding acne treatment with professionals

At the present time, acne is one of the common issues that a large number of youngsters are facing. As you know, you may have acne problem due to several issues like your lifestyle, skin type, genetics, bad diet and improper skin care. It is true that you will not be able to find the perfect solution to get rid of acne even after using lots of products available in the market. However, you will need to contact the medical professionals to find the proper treatment to get rid of acne issue and to find a beautiful and clean skin.

If you are searching for the best clinic for Acne treatments and Acne Scaring, you can make a visit to New Age Medical Clinic to find the most effective results. We are here as medical professionals who are able to serve all the patients having in the problems of acne.

The best treatment solution for acne issue

Today, several kinds of skin treatments for acne scars are available when you are looking to get rid of acne. However, you will find the most amazing and excellent results with AFT pulsed light acne treatment that is very effective and painless solution for your skin. With this treatment, we will give you the excellent results very quickly and you will find the excellent skin-related benefits with it.

With such excellent treatment for acne, we are also serving the patients who have bad looking scars after acne issue. When you will visit us, you will also find acne scar treatment in the area of Oakville, Cambridge, Kitchener, and Hamilton that will be the very effective solution to give you completely clean and scar free skin. A large number of patients visited us for the treatment and they are completely satisfied with its results. It will be the most amazing solution that you can try by making an appointment at our clinic.

Painful Cystic Acne Cleared Up with just 3 Treatments, combination of Fractora and IPL Lumecca.

Fractora is a Skin Resurfacing procedure. The sub-dermal tissue coagulation device that bridges the gap between fractional laser and surgical procedures. Clinical studies demonstrated results such as scar removal, deep lines reduction, complexion improvement, Reduction in skin irregularity and restore skin to more youthful appearance.

Lumecca is the breakthrough Intense Light Pulse Therapy (IPL) that delivers 3 times more energy in 300-600 nm range to improve the efficacy for removal of pigmented and Vascular lesions. We now can treat variety of skin types and condition in just one treatment. Call for Free consultation. Limited time offer

New Age Laser Clinic | Medical Spa & Laser Clinic | Acne Treatments and Acne Scarring

Check your Extended Benefits Insurance Coverage!

Acne Treatments and Acne Scarring may be covered by your insurance provider.

If you are unsure about your coverage, our team is happy to assist you in verifying your benefits.
Contact us today to learn more or schedule a consultation!