Benefits of Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment - New Age Laser Document

Benefits of Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment

Bev Sikorski | August 29, 2023

Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser is a skin treatment for those looking to improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles and damaged skin. This advanced Medical laser is suitable for both light and dark skin types, and can help to reveal clear, glowing skin without any downtime. The results are more dramatic than other treatments like chemical peels, and the treatment itself is non-invasive without the downtime.  

What is a Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment?

Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment is the latest development in CO2 laser technology, which uses a wavelength that penetrates below the surface of the skin to target imperfections. During the treatment, a fractional beam of laser energy is used to create tiny columns of heat in the treatment area. This causes small pin-point damage to the skin, which stimulates collagen production and skin regeneration with an advanced Co2 laser. The treatment is highly precise and accurate, allowing the practitioner to tailor it to individual needs and is now the gold standard above all other Anti-aging procedures.

Tera CO2 Laser Treatment

The laser energy is delivered in a controlled manner, which minimizes the risk of damage to surrounding skin. This makes it an ideal treatment for those with sensitive skin, as it reduces the risk of irritation and inflammation. Additionally, the laser energy is delivered in a cooling Co2 stream, which helps to reduce discomfort. The results of the Tetra Co2 laser are visible immediately, with further improvements seen over the following weeks.

How Does the Treatment Work?

Tetra laser skin resurfacing works by targeting skin imperfections, such as wrinkles, age spots or reduce acne scars, with controlled laser light pulses. As Tetra can control its output, this makes it a perfect treatment for pigmentation, sun spots or can be dialed up to target scare tissue.

This aesthetic treatment works to heat the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and cell regeneration. This helps to reduce wrinkles, restore youth, and improve overall skin health. The laser energy also works to resurface the treated area, removing dead skin cells, revealing clear, glowing skin.

Tetra CO2 Eye treatment Before and After

The medical laser treatment is non-invasive with minimal downtime. It is a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of your skin without the need for surgery or other invasive procedures. The results of the treatment can be seen immediately, with continued improvement over the course of several weeks. The treatment has unbelievable precision, allowing for a tailored approach to meet the individual needs of each patient.

What are the Benefits of Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment?

Tetra CO2 CoolPeel procedure offers numerous benefits for those looking to improve skin tone and texture. The treatment can be used to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and acne scars. It can also help to even out skin tone, reduce redness and inflammation, and reveal clear, glowing skin. After the treatment, you can expect to be a little red in the treated area, but this fades quickly. 

Tetra CO2 Laser Facial treatment Before and After

The laser treatment can also help to stimulate collagen production, which can help to improve skin elasticity and firmness. Additionally, the laser can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including melasma, sun damage, and rosacea. The treatment is safe and effective, and can be used on all skin types to tighten your skin. 

What Skin Types Can Benefit from Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment?

Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment can be used on a variety of skin types and tones, making it one of the most versatile treatments available. It is effective on light and dark skins tones, as well as on different types of skin conditions. The treatment can be tailored to individual needs, making it suitable for all ages and skin types.

The Tetra CoolPeel laser treatment can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. It can also help to improve the texture and tone of the skin, as well as reduce the appearance of acne scars and other blemishes. Additionally, skin laser treatment can help to reduce the appearance of sun damage, and can even help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks on the tummy. Overall, the laser treatment can help to improve the overall look and feel of the skin for almost anyone!

What Areas Can be Treated with the Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser?

The Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser can be used to treat a variety of areas on the body including the face, neck, chest, arms, hands and legs. It is also effective at reducing stretch marks on areas such as the abdomen.

The laser is not only effective in combating wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scars – it can also help to improve skin tone and texture, as well as diminish the appearance of age spots and sun damage. This revolutionary treatment is safe for everyone, regardless of skin type, and is available for both men and women.

What to Expect During and After Your Treatment

During the Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment procedure, you may feel a slight stinging sensation on the skin as the laser energy works to heat the deeper layers of the skin. After the treatment, you may experience some redness or bloctiness in the area that should go away within a few hours. Quickly returning to your normal daily routine. 

It is important to follow the post-treatment instructions provided by your doctor to ensure the best results. This may include avoiding direct sun exposure, using a moisturizer, and avoiding certain skin care products. You may also be advised to use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your skin from sun damage.

Results and Recovery

Results of Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment vary from person to person, but most people are good candidates for a CoolPeel session. Over time, further improvements may become visible as collagen production increases, it will improve uneven skin texture. Recovery time is minimal with this treatment, but it is important to avoid sun exposure directly after treatment to allow the skin to recover and heal.

It is also important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the Spa esthetician. This may include using a moisturizer or sunscreen, avoiding certain activities, and avoiding certain skin care products. Following these instructions will help ensure the best possible results from your treatment.

Risks and Side Effects

Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment is generally considered safe and effective when administered by a qualified professional. However there are some risks associated with this type of treatment, including redness, swelling or bruising at the treatment site. More serious side effects are rare but may include blistering or infection. It is important to discuss any potential risks with your practitioner before proceeding with treatment.

It is also important to note that the results of the treatment may vary from person to person. Some people may experience more dramatic results than others, and the results may not be permanent. It is important to follow the instructions of your practitioner and to use the recommended aftercare products to ensure the best possible results.

Cost of a Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment

The cost of a Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment will depend on a variety of factors such as the extent of the treatment area and where you have it done. Generally speaking, the cost of a single treatment can range from $500 – $2000 depending on your needs. It is important to speak with your practitioner about pricing before proceeding with treatment.

If you’re looking for an effective way to improve skin tone and texture and reduce wrinkles, Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment may be a good option for you. This advanced laser treatment offers numerous benefits with minimal discomfort or downtime, revealing clear, glowing skin in no time.

The results of a Tetra CO2 CoolPeel Laser Treatment can last for several months, depending on the individual. It is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner to ensure the best possible results and to maintain the results for as long as possible. Contact us today to schedule your Spa Appointment.